Editorial Feature

What Are the Applications of Laser Enrichment?

Laser isotope separation is a technology that uses precisely tuned lasers to selectively ionize atoms or molecules, allowing isotopes to be separated based on their mass. This approach is important for applications such as uranium enrichment in nuclear fuel production.1,2

Four large nuclear power plant cooling towers releasing steam into the atmosphere.

Image Credit: Juraj Kral/Shutterstock.com

The two main techniques for laser enrichment are atomic vapor laser isotope separation (AVLIS), which works with individual atoms, and molecular laser isotope separation (MLIS), which focuses on molecules.1,2

MLIS works with gaseous molecules and uses isotope shifts in vibrational absorption bands, while AVLIS operates with atomic vapors and relies on isotope shifts in electronic excitation frequencies. These methods provide efficient ways to separate isotopes for various applications.1,2

The Principle of Operation

Isotopes of the same element have nearly identical chemical properties, making their separation dependent on small differences in atomic mass. Laser isotope separation uses the quantum mechanical relationship between frequency and energy in atoms or molecules.2

While chemical exchange processes rely on these differences indirectly, laser-based isotope separation applies this principle directly, utilizing the unique properties of lasers. A laser generates large quantities of photons with nearly identical frequencies.2

When this laser radiation is directed at a gas containing atoms or molecules with two energy states separated by an energy difference matching the laser photons, the atoms or molecules can absorb the light and transition to a higher energy state. This excitation occurs efficiently only when the photon energy of the laser is precisely matched to the energy difference of the atomic or molecular transition.2

Nuclear Energy

In the nuclear fuel cycle, uranium enrichment is an intermediate step that increases the concentration of uranium-235 relative to uranium-238. Current enrichment processes rely on subtle physical differences such as mass and electrical charge for isotope separation. Laser isotope separation can achieve much larger separation factors, offering a more efficient alternative.2

AVLIS uses a laser to excite and ionize uranium atoms of a specific isotope, allowing for their selective removal. This method is based on differences in the atomic electron structure of the isotopes.2

Compared to techniques like gaseous diffusion and gas centrifuge, which rely on minor mass differences between isotopes, laser isotope separation can achieve a higher degree of enrichment in a single step, making it a more efficient process.2

Uranium enrichment must minimize uranium-234 concentrations; however, traditional mass difference-based methods tend to enrich uranium-234 more than uranium-235. The AVLIS process addresses this issue by using a tunable dye laser and uranium metal vapor to selectively ionize uranium-235, ensuring greater precision than conventional methods.2

The dye laser is tuned to a frequency that selectively ionizes uranium-235, reducing the uranium-234 isotopic ratio in the enriched product. The AVLIS process can achieve uranium-235 enrichment levels of around 5 % by electrostatically extracting laser-ionized uranium-235 from natural uranium.2

This method is more cost-effective than gas diffusion and centrifugation due to lower energy consumption and is well-suited for recovering uranium-235 from depleted uranium tailings at gaseous diffusion plants. The laser enrichment process becomes more efficient than centrifuge methods when higher enrichment levels are required, particularly for isotopes located at the middle of the mass spectrum.2,3

Laser Uranium Enrichment A Deep Dive #physics #nuclear #chemistry

Medical Isotope Production

Laser enrichment technology is used to produce medical isotopes, which are important for diagnostic imaging and cancer treatment. This method enhances the precision of isotope separation, aiding in the production of isotopes like technetium-99m (Tc-99m), commonly used in medical diagnostics.3,4

Tc-99m is a diagnostic agent used with single photon emission computed tomography nuclear imaging systems to monitor cancer and coronary artery disease, evaluate inflammation and infection, and assess brain, kidney, liver, and lung function.5

In medical applications, stable, non-radioactive isotopes such as tin-112 (Sn-112), tungsten-186 (W-186), molybdenum-100 (Mo-100), and molybdenum-98 (Mo-98) are used for producing radioisotopes. The need for pure isotopes in nuclear medicine has increased to minimize natural contamination in radioisotopes.3,4

Cold-wall condensation repression, used in laser isotope separations, offers a method for medical isotope enrichment. In this process, a gas containing the isotopes is irradiated by a laser tuned to a specific wavelength that selectively excites one isotope.3,4

The entire gas mixture is cooled to a temperature that induces condensation or coagulation. However, laser-excited molecules remain uncondensed, while unexcited molecules dimerize or condense. The gas removed from the system is thus enriched in the laser-excited isotope.3,4

This method is effective at total gas pressures below 0.1 torr and is particularly suited for milligram-scale separations of radioactive medical isotopes.3,4

Aerospace and Environmental Applications

The applications of enriched isotopes extend beyond medicine, with roles in space exploration and environmental science. These isotopes are used in spacecraft power systems and support pollution monitoring and climate research through isotope tracing techniques.6-8

Environmental conditions influence the distribution of isotopes in natural compounds, making them valuable tools for studying climatic variations and environmental changes associated with shifting climate patterns.6

Stable isotopes such as carbon-13 and oxygen-18, natural radioisotopes like thorium-230 and carbon-14, and anthropogenic radioisotopes including cesium-137 and krypton-85 are used to study diverse aspects of climate and environmental systems.6 Similarly, metal-stable isotopes like silver, mercury, and zinc stable isotopes could be used in environmental sciences for pollution source tracking.7

Radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) are a key energy source for spacecraft, generating power by converting heat from the radioactive decay of fuel isotopes into electricity using thermocouples. The energy output depends on the initial amount of radioisotope fuel.8

Nuclear fission reactors are also used for spacecraft power generation when requirements exceed 100 kW, with new and more powerful reactor designs under development. Enriched isotopes are utilized in both RTGs and fission reactors to support spacecraft power systems.8

Recent Advancements

Recent advancements in laser enrichment technology aim to improve precision, scalability, and cost-effectiveness, with ongoing research and industry efforts driving innovation.

For instance, laser enrichment methods like 16 um MLIS and AVLIS, which selectively excite specific uranium isotopes, face challenges related to complexity and reliability. LIS Technologies has developed a new approach using a laser system operating at an alternative wavelength to excite a different uranium hexafluoride mode. This advancement addresses the limitations of conventional MLIS systems, potentially enhancing the efficiency of nuclear fuel isotope enrichment.

The Separation of Isotopes by Laser EXcitation (SILEX) process, a collaborative effort between Silex and GLE, represents the only third-generation enrichment technology in advanced commercial development stages. This process aims to streamline and modernize uranium enrichment for nuclear applications.

These advancements contribute to improving the precision, scalability, and cost-effectiveness of isotope separation across diverse applications.

Laser Enrichment Technology and its Role in Sustainable Nuclear Fuel Production

References and Further Reading

  1. ABD College. (n.d.). Laser Physics. [Online] ABD College. Available at https://www.adbcollege.org/images/Unit-4_LASER_Physics_P-6.pdf (Accessed on 22 November 2024)
  2. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Technical Training Center. (n.d.). Laser Enrichment Methods (AVLIS AND MLIS). [Online] U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Technical Training Center. Available at https://www.nrc.gov/docs/ml1204/ml12045a051.pdf  (Accessed on 22 November 2024)
  3. Dey, SP., et al. (2022). Design and development of separator for laser isotope separation of lanthanides for medical applications. BARC Newsletter. https://www.barc.gov.in/barc_nl/2022/2022030403.pdf
  4. Eerkens, JW., et al. (2006). Laser Isotope Enrichment for Medical and Industrial Applications. [Online] 14th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE 14.  Available at https://inldigitallibrary.inl.gov/sites/sti/sti/3562834.pdf (Accessed on 22 November 2024)
  5. Davis, DD., Patel, P., Padda, IS., Kane, SM. (2024). Technetium-99m. [Online] NCBI. Available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK559013/ (Accessed on 22 November 2024)
  6. Rozanski, K., Gonfiantini, R. (1990). Isotopes in climatological studies. [Online] IAEA BULLETIN, Available at https://www.iaea.org/sites/default/files/publications/magazines/bulletin/bull32-4/32406880915.pdf (Accessed on 22 November 2024)
  7. Li, W. et al. (2019). Environmental applications of metal stable isotopes: Silver, mercury and zinc. Environmental Pollution. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.06.037, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0269749119316318
  8. World Nuclear Association. (2021). Nuclear Reactors and Radioisotopes for Space. [Online] World Nuclear Association. Available at https://world-nuclear.org/information-library/non-power-nuclear-applications/transport/nuclear-reactors-for-space (Accessed on 22 November 2024)

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Samudrapom Dam

Written by

Samudrapom Dam

Samudrapom Dam is a freelance scientific and business writer based in Kolkata, India. He has been writing articles related to business and scientific topics for more than one and a half years. He has extensive experience in writing about advanced technologies, information technology, machinery, metals and metal products, clean technologies, finance and banking, automotive, household products, and the aerospace industry. He is passionate about the latest developments in advanced technologies, the ways these developments can be implemented in a real-world situation, and how these developments can positively impact common people.


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