Pioneer in multicolor imaging systems for clinical and preclinical research, Cambridge Research & Instrumentation (CRi) has expanded its Nuance multispectral imaging system portfolio with the launch of the TRIO system.
TRIO multispectral imaging system
The small, versatile and low-cost TRIO system has a simple interface and a flexible design, making it compatible with any type of microscope with a camera mount. The imaging system shows correlations between clinical outcomes and protein expression in intact tissue and is ideal for clients involved in research activities ranging from fundamental research to pre-clinical drug invention.
Performing multi-analyte discovery from intact cells and tissue is quite difficult as the background autofluorescence of the sample and overlapping signals can hide vital information. CRi’s multispectral systems based on TRIO’s multispectral imaging technology efficiently eliminate overlapping labels in brightfield samples or fluorescence. The technology has a user-friendly software interface that simplifies the interpretation of multispectral imaging data, facilitating researchers who want to image multiple markers from on individual tissue sample.
CRi’s Vice President of Marketing, Darren Lee commented that determining multiple markers in individual tumor cells and in intact tissue sections is a vital stage in the development of molecular diagnostics and targeted drugs. The TRIO system simplifies the multicolor imaging of cells and tissues and the complexities associated with multispectral data interpretation, he added.