Princeton Instruments (PI), announces the addition of PIXIS-XF: 2048B camera to its popular line of cameras in its X-ray Group. This high-performance camera offers 4- million pixel resolution and operates at 100 kHz and 2 MHz. It supports PI’s unique phosphor replacement design to optimize the camera for different X-ray energies.
The fully integrated PIXIS-XF: 2048B camera is designed for the most demanding X-ray applications, including Micro-Computer Tomography, Streak Tube Readout as well as industrial and medical imaging.

The new PIXIS-XF camera measures 4.5 inches (115.0 mm) in diameter x 7.8” (200 mm), yet weighs only 5.5 pounds. The compact single-head design supports full triggering and shutter control capabilities and an easy-to-use USB 2.0 interface. It is also available with a fiber optic communication kit for long distance operation, up to 1000 meters. PI’s versatile WinView software supports powerful data acquisition capabilities, as well as a macro-record feature for automating complex experiments. Supported under LabView, the PIXIS-XF provides a full suite of ready-to-use VI modules for full integration with other instruments.
“The new PIXIS-XF: 2048B design boasts an unrivaled package complete with back-illuminated ultra-low noise electronics, deep thermoelectric cooling capabilities and Linux OS support. Never before has a single camera come complete with so many high-end capabilities,” explains Manjul Shah, Applications Specialist at Princeton Instruments.