Dec 14 2009
The Eye-POD Eye Care Kit has just been created by an entrepreneurial R&D company in Florida, Hot Ideas World, Inc. The array of easy to use functions in the device changes the way users wear Contact Lenses and use Eye Drops. The Eye-POD's design applies Liquid Affinity Physics to more easily insert and remove contacts and apply eye drops.
Eye-POD Eye Care Kit
The Inventor, Dr. Chuck R Courtenay, was inspired to create the Eye-POD as an answer to his struggles with dry eyes, a side effect of Bell's Palsy. The affliction was caused by accidentally scratching his eye with a fingernail while putting in contact lenses. The quest for an easier way to put in eye drops eventually progressed to developing an easier way to put in contact lenses as well. He then succeeded in blending both of these distinctly different functions into a single device.
The Eye-POD easily and safely inserts or removes contacts in about a second without the risks of sticking unclean fingers in one's eyes. The Eye-POD Lens Adapter uses a balance of Liquid Affinities that work in concert with its focal feature, the patented Tunnel-of-Light. One just looks into the Tunnel-of-Light to align the contact lens or eye drop with the pupil of the eye. This allows routine placement on the exact center of the eye. The device never touches the eye itself. The low skill level needed to use it expands the potential use of contacts and enables folks who gave up on contacts to wear them again. A snap-on cover can store the Adapter and eye liquid capsules making it a pocket portable kit.
It is the first device able to deliver a single eye drop on the exact center of the eye without the need to bend over. It eliminates the waste of missed drops running down one's cheek. Many people, especially the elderly, pay $50 to almost $300 dollars an ounce for medicated drops. By making a bottle of eye drops last longer it can save about 60% on those ongoing costs.
Because it is able to hold a single eye drop until it is placed on the eye, it is no longer necessary to bend one's head over backwards to put in eye drops. This is a big help to those who suffer from arthritis, a bad back or neck, vertigo and other physical problems.
Everyone at one time or another needs eye drops for burning or Itchy eyes, to wash out foreign substances, refresh tired or dry eyes, or just "to get the red out". The Eye-POD can also be used on occasion for a Liquid Eye Massage.
This device offers an easier, safer and less expensive way to manage contact lenses and eye drops. Overall, The Eye-POD represents a significant advance in eye care products.