LASER COMPONENTS offers Erbium Ytterbium doped fibre with a core diameter range of 6 µm to 30 µm. Due to great demand for high power CW sources at 1.5 µm and output power of 20-30W range, our partner iXblue has worked extensively to improve both the core composition and the low index coating package in order to bring this technology up to our customers’ expectations.
Erbium Ytterbium doped fibre
Our customers appreciate the high PCE (Power Conversion Efficiency) obtained without sacrificing the 1μm emission internally, and we are very proud that our coating package exhibits excellent environmental performances.
This Erbium Ytterbium doped fibre has key features such as high efficiency, high pump and consistent absorption, low background losses and low 1 µm parasitic emission. New developments of this fibre have been carried out for pulsed applications and high-power version, up to 20W amplifier.