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New HORIBA Jobin Yvon Spectra Database Improves ICP Accuracy

A new ICP spectra database has been developed by HORIBA Jobin Yvon for its new CCD ICP System, the ACTIVA.

The data base contains detection limits, linear ranges and line widths for over 50,000 identified peaks plus thousand of other peaks not found in the conventional wavelength tables.

Software has also been developed to utilize the wealth of information in the database, which allows the system to use multiple lines for each element to improve accuracy. By acquiring the full spectrum of an unknown with the excellent resolution of < 10 pm from 120 to 440 nm and < 18 pm over 440 nm, it is possible for the software to readily identify uninterfered peaks, calculate the concentrations and to even reject outliers, so as to provide the best possible results.

For the first time, the power of a solid state detector may be fully utilized to improve the quality of the data and to give the user greater confidence in the reported results.

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