Jan 4 2011
FEMTOLASERS has unveiled a new series of Ti:sapphire oscillators that produce pulse durations between sub-10 and sub-20 fs. The FEMTOSOURCE synergy oscillators are based on the company’s experience obtained from ultrafast oscillators.
The company also offers a synergy version for ultrafast application. The oscillators have pulse duration of sub-10 fs that yields peak powers of more than 1 MW, with average powers ranging between 500 mW and 1.2 W. The device is ideal for ultrafast and terahertz spectroscopy and optical coherence tomography.
Femtosource Oscillator
The Dispersive Mirror (DM) based oscillator cavity, at the core of every synergy, rests on the base plate, which is thermally-stabilized. The compact mechanical components and high-quality ultra-low loss optics provide better efficiency, power levels and pulse duration. The Extra Cavity Dispersion Control ensures that ultrafast pulses that arrive at the target are not altered. The DM cavity, because of the less number of components, displays enhanced performance, ultra-low noise and improved passive stability.
FEMTOLASERS provides the synergy M1 system for applications that need high peak power and short laser pulses. The DM technology allows the M1 models to maintain large bandwidth. A high level of peak power is guaranteed from a femtosecond oscillator. The company also offers customized systems with unique repetition rate, power, pulse duration and spectral shape.