SPECTRO Analytical Instruments has unveiled the new SPECTROMAXx Optical Emission Spectrometer that has various performance enhancing features.
SPECTROMAXx Optical Emission Spectrometer
The CCD detector technology of the spectrometer, when integrated with the temperature-controlled optics’ stability, delivers enhanced detection limits for elements like nitrogen, down to 10 ppm. This performance is associated with huge stationary spectrometers that are more expensive than the SPECTROMAXx optical spectrometer.
The integrated diagnostics unit of the latest SPECTROMAXx Optical Emission Spectrometer examines and displays the functional status of all vital components continuously. The SPECTROMAXx also has the Spark Analyzer Vision Software for convenient usage purposes.
SPECTRO’s Ireland and UK Manager, Steve Allott stated that the new SPECTROMAXx not only delivers high-performance, but also provides improved reliability and low cost of ownership. He added that the measurements take place under an Argon protection shield, and a constant flow is utilized for keeping the system prepared for usage. The Argon flow can be suspended when the device is not used, and can be restored at a specific time before work is started. This helps in reducing cost and maintaining performance.