For 35 years now, one of the main principles of OWIS GmbH has been, to provide its customers with maximum flexibility when using OWIS® products. With the revised columns SL 12/16 and pins STF 15 this idea has been implemented progressively.
The new OWIS pin-column system
With the advancement the columns and pins can now be secured additionally with a clamping fork on the optical tables. Mounting is independent from the thread grids and is possible in any desired position. One further advantage: After alignment in the beam, the position is fixed with the clamping fork and remains stable.
For clamping the pins, the columns are equipped with plastic screws. Thus, the pins remain undamaged and are fixed at the same time securely in the beam. Tried and proven features are not forgone: As before, in addition to the fixation with the clamping fork, the new columns can be attached with the internal and external thread M6. The pins are also available with external threads M4 and M6. For flexible working the appropriate setscrews for M6 and M4 threads to each single STF 15 are included by default.
The columns and pins are available in four lengths each. So, large differences in height as well as setups with extremely low beam heights can be realised. The OWIS® pin-column system is compatible with the optical beam handling systems SYS 65 and SYS 90.
Of course, the pins, columns and clamping fork are "Made in Germany" and of proven OWIS® quality.