Laser Research Optics has introduced CO2 laser optics custom manufactured for wavelengths other than the standard 10.6µm, for tunable lasers, and instrumentation applications.
Laser Research CO2 Laser Optics can be custom manufactured in 9.3 micron to 10.6 micron wavelengths to provide better performance for cutting thin plastic materials.
Laser Research CO2 Laser Optics can be custom manufactured in 9.3µm to 10.6µm wavelengths in sizes from 1/2" to 1" O.D. and 0.070" to 0.12" thick. They are ideally suited for lasers operating at wavelengths that provide better performance in cutting plastic materials which are highly absorptive at a particular wavelength, such as Kapton and PET, claims the firm.
Featuring laser-grade ZnSe, Laser Research CO2 Laser Optics have a 40-20 scratch-dig surface finish per MIL-PRF-13830 and 1/40 wave max. flatness @10.6µm on two faces. Parallelism is 3 arc/mins. Applications include cutting, welding, drilling, marking, and materials processing.
Laser Research Custom CO2 Laser Optics operating at 9.3µm to 10.6µm wavelengths are priced according to size, coatings, and quantity.
About Laser Research Optics
Laser Research Optics is a division of Meller Optics, Inc., a world leading manufacturer of hard crystalline materials such as ruby and sapphire since 1921. The company maintains one of the largest inventories of stock CO2 optics in the country. Available for immediate delivery, the optics are ideal for direct field replacement in low power CO2 lasers currently being used for laser marking, laser engraving, laser cutting, and low power scribing and welding.