Current restrictions have seen a significant increase in the usage of digital communication formats. The companies Optris, greateyes and PhoenixTM are now implementing a new idea: They’re pleased to invite you to a webinar on 17 September. The subject of the event: Getting precise - Three state of the art technologies used in the industry to get high value data for analysis and process optimization. “This new webinar format is a real first for us, and we’re anticipating both interesting insights into the technologies used by the three companies involved and synergies,” said Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Ingo Stahlkopf, Head of Sales at Optris GmbH.
The three companies will each present their technologies and systems, but also place a strong focus on current applications. What they have in common is the use of optical systems in challenging applications. For example, Optris supplies infrared cameras, which are used for temperature measurement. greateyes offers cameras for scientific applications in a wide variety of wavelengths from infrared and UV to X-rays. PhoenixTM specializes in temperature measurement systems in furnaces, and also offers optical inspection systems for these applications.
The joint webinar will be held in English on 17 September from 10am to 11am, and is free for participants. After the presentations, there is a chance to ask the speakers questions via live chat. Registration for the webinar is now open via the following link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7976013887452981006?source=pr-intern